Barnyoga with the whole family for creative outflow and well-being.
How Does it Work?
Laura comes to your home for a time you have agreed. You start with the child yoga, consisting of a yoga story where the children meet different kinds of animals as they shape the body, alternating with daring positions and breathing exercises. After this, the children further express themselves by drawing and painting. It all takes 90 minutes, and parents are also welcome to participate in the activities.
Yoga means personal well-being, reaching one's potential. One way to find an inner calm and overcome stress and worry. This happiness is within us, Something too that children can realise.
Why is Yoga good for children?
Through child yoga, children can become more aware of their feelings, build a better self-confidence and improve their concentration. They learn techniques to relax and manage emotional situations.
Yoga helps the child's well-being, both for the body and for the soul. The children move easily and yoga exercises provide internal massage with breathing exercises that strengthen internal organs. It strengthens the body and breathing exercises strengthen the immune system.
In addition to increased agility, balance, coordination, energy and physical well-being that becomes of constructive body movement, well-being also increases on a mental level. This by first expressing itself in motion and then getting a creative outlet by painting and drawing.
If parents participate, it will also be a great opportunity to develop and strengthen the relationship with the children through this common activity without external distractions.
Become a Yogi kindergarten teacher!
I am offering a five hour course for people working in kindergartens for basic understanding of how to teach yoga and chi gong for small children.